This document contains the software design for GPU pass-through. This code was originally included in the version of Xapi used in XenServer 6.0.


Rather than modelling GPU pass-through from a PCI perspective, and having the user manipulate PCI devices directly, we are taking a higher-level view by introducing a dedicated graphics model. The graphics model is similar to the networking and storage model, in which virtual and physical devices are linked through an intermediate abstraction layer (e.g. the "Network" class in the networking model).

The basic graphics model is as follows:

  • A host owns a number of physical GPU devices (pGPUs), each of which is available for passing through to a VM.
  • A VM may have a virtual GPU device (vGPU), which means it expects to have access to a GPU when it is running.
  • Identical pGPUs are grouped across a resource pool in GPU groups. GPU groups are automatically created and maintained by XS.
  • A GPU group connects vGPUs to pGPUs in the same way as VIFs are connected to PIFs by Network objects: for a VM v having a vGPU on GPU group p to run on host h, host h must have a pGPU in GPU group p and pass it through to VM v.
  • VM start and non-live migration rules are analogous to the network API and follow the above rules.
  • In case a VM that has a vGPU is started, while no pGPU available, an exception will occur and the VM won't start. As a result, in order to guarantee that a VM always has access to a pGPU, the number of vGPUs should not exceed the number of pGPUs in a GPU group.

Currently, the following restrictions apply:

  • Hotplug is not supported.
  • Suspend/resume and checkpointing (memory snapshots) are not supported.
  • Live migration (XenMotion) is not supported.
  • No more than one GPU per VM will be supported.
  • Only Windows guests will be supported.

XenAPI Changes

The design introduces a new generic class called PCI to capture state and information about relevant PCI devices in a host. By default, xapi would not create PCI objects for all PCI devices, but only for the ones that are managed and configured by xapi; currently only GPU devices.

The PCI class has no fields specific to the type of the PCI device (e.g. a graphics card or NIC). Instead, device specific objects will contain a link to their underlying PCI device's object.

The new XenAPI classes and changes to existing classes are detailed below.

PCI class


Name Type Description
uuid string Unique identifier/object reference.
class_id string PCI class ID (hidden field)
class_name string PCI class name (GPU, NIC, ...)
vendor_id string Vendor ID (hidden field).
vendor_name string Vendor name.
device_id string Device ID (hidden field).
device_name string Device name.
host host ref The host that owns the PCI device.
pci_id string BDF (domain/Bus/Device/Function identifier) of the (physical) PCI function, e.g. "0000:00:1a.1". The format is hhhh:hh:hh.h, where h is a hexadecimal digit.
functions int Number of (physical + virtual) functions; currently fixed at 1 (hidden field).
attached_VMs VM ref set List of VMs that have this PCI device "currently attached", i.e. plugged, i.e. passed-through to (hidden field).
dependencies PCI ref set List of dependent PCI devices: all of these need to be passed-thru to the same VM (co-location).
other_config (string -> string) map Additional optional configuration (as usual).

Hidden fields are only for use by xapi internally, and not visible to XenAPI users.

Messages: none.

PGPU class

A physical GPU device (pGPU).


Name Type Description
uuid string Unique identifier/object reference.
PCI PCI ref Link to the underlying PCI device.
other_config (string -> string) map Additional optional configuration (as usual).
host host ref The host that owns the GPU.
GPU_group GPU_group ref GPU group the pGPU is contained in. Can be Null.

Messages: none.

GPU_group class

A group of identical GPUs across hosts. A VM that is associated with a GPU group can use any of the GPUs in the group. A VM does not need to install new GPU drivers if moving from one GPU to another one in the same GPU group.


Name Type Description
VGPUs VGPU ref set List of vGPUs in the group.
uuid string Unique identifier/object reference.
PGPUs PGPU ref set List of pGPUs in the group.
other_config (string -> string) map Additional optional configuration (as usual).
name_label string A human-readable name.
name_description string A notes field containing human-readable description.
GPU_types string set List of GPU types (vendor+device ID) that can be in this group (hidden field).

Messages: none.

VGPU class

A virtual GPU device (vGPU).


Name Type Description
uuid string Unique identifier/object reference.
VM VM ref VM that owns the vGPU.
GPU_group GPU_group ref GPU group the vGPU is contained in.
currently_attached bool Reflects whether the virtual device is currently "connected" to a physical device.
device string Order in which the devices are plugged into the VM. Restricted to "0" for now.
other_config (string -> string) map Additional optional configuration (as usual).


Prototype Description
VGPU ref create (GPU_group ref, string, VM ref) Manually assign the vGPU device to the VM given a device number, and link it to the given GPU group.
void destroy (VGPU ref) Remove the association between the GPU group and the VM.

It is possible to assign more vGPUs to a group than number number of pGPUs in the group. When a VM is started, a pGPU must be available; if not, the VM will not start. Therefore, to guarantee that a VM has access to a pGPU at any time, one must manually enforce that the number of vGPUs in a GPU group does not exceed the number of pGPUs. XenCenter might display a warning, or simply refuse to assign a vGPU, if this constraint is violated. This is analogous to the handling of memory availability in a pool: a VM may not be able to start if there is no host having enough free memory.

VM class


  • Deprecate (unused) PCI_bus field
  • Add field VGPU ref set VGPUs: List of vGPUs.
  • Add field PCI ref set attached_PCIs: List of PCI devices that are "currently attached" (plugged, passed-through) (hidden field).

host class


  • Add field PCI ref set PCIs: List of PCI devices.
  • Add field PGPU ref set PGPUs: List of physical GPU devices.
  • Add field (string -> string) map chipset_info, which contains at least the key iommu. If "true", this key indicates whether the host has IOMMU/VT-d support build in, and this functionality is enabled by Xen; the value will be "false" otherwise.

Initialisation and Operations

Enabling IOMMU/VT-d

(This may not be needed in Xen 4.1. Confirm with Simon.)

Provide a command that does this:

  • /opt/xensource/libexec/xen-cmdline --set-xen iommu=1
  • reboot

Xapi startup


  • PCI devices are matched on the combination of their pci_id, vendor_id, and device_id.

First boot and any subsequent xapi start:

  1. Find out from dmesg whether IOMMU support is present and enabled in Xen, and set host.chipset_info:iommu accordingly.
  2. Detect GPU devices currently present in the host. For each:

    1. If there is no matching PGPU object yet, create a PGPU object, and add it to a GPU group containing identical PGPUs, or a new group.
    2. If there is no matching PCI object yet, create one, and also create or update the PCI objects for dependent devices.
  3. Destroy all existing PCI objects of devices that are not currently present in the host (i.e. objects for devices that have been replaced or removed).

  4. Destroy all existing PGPU objects of GPUs that are not currently present in the host. Send a XenAPI alert to notify the user of this fact.

  5. Update the list of dependencies on all PCI objects.

  6. Sync VGPU.currently_attached on all VGPU objects.


For any VMs that have VM.other_config:pci set to use a GPU, create an appropriate vGPU, and remove the other_config option.

Generic PCI Interface

A generic PCI interface exposed to higher-level code, such as the networking and GPU management modules within Xapi. This functionality relies on Xenops.

The PCI module exposes the following functions:

  • Check whether a PCI device has free (unassigned) functions. This is the case if the number of assignments in PCI.attached_VMs is smaller than PCI.functions.
  • Plug a PCI function into a running VM.
    1. Raise exception if there are no free functions.
    2. Plug PCI device, as well as dependent PCI devices. The PCI module must also tell device-specific modules to update the currently_attached field on dependent VGPU objects etc.
    3. Update PCI.attached_VMs.
  • Unplug a PCI function from a running VM.
    1. Raise exception if the PCI function is not owned by (passed through to) the VM.
    2. Unplug PCI device, as well as dependent PCI devices. The PCI module must also tell device-specific modules to update the currently_attached field on dependent VGPU objects etc.
    3. Update PCI.attached_VMs.

Construction and Destruction


  1. Check license. Raise FEATURE_RESTRICTED if the GPU feature has not been enabled.
  2. Raise INVALID_DEVICE if the given device number is not "0", or DEVICE_ALREADY_EXISTS if (indeed) the device already exists. This is a convenient way of enforcing that only one vGPU per VM is supported, for now.
  3. Create VGPU object in the DB.
  4. Initialise VGPU.currently_attached = false.
  5. Return a ref to the new object.


  1. Raise OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED if VGPU.currently_attached = true and the VM is running.
  2. Destroy VGPU object.

VM Operations


  1. If host.chipset_info:iommu = "false", raise VM_REQUIRES_IOMMU.
  2. Raise FEATURE_REQUIRES_HVM (carrying the string "GPU passthrough needs HVM") if the VM is PV rather than HVM.
  3. For each of the VM's vGPUs:
    1. Confirm that the given host has a pGPU in its associated GPU group. If not, raise VM_REQUIRES_GPU.
    2. Consult the generic PCI module for all pGPUs in the group to find out whether a suitable PCI function is available. If a physical device is not available, raise VM_REQUIRES_GPU.
    3. Ask PCI module to plug an available pGPU into the VM's domain and set VGPU.currently_attached to true. As a side-effect, any dependent PCI devices would be plugged.


  1. Ask PCI module to unplug all GPU devices.
  2. Set VGPU.currently_attached to false for all the VM's VGPUs.

VM.suspend, VM.resume(_on):

  • Raise VM_HAS_PCI_ATTACHED if the VM has any plugged VGPU objects, as suspend/resume for VMs with GPUs is currently not supported.


  • Raise VM_HAS_PCI_ATTACHED if the VM has any plugged VGPU objects, as live migration for VMs with GPUs is currently not supported.

VM.clone, VM.copy, VM.snapshot:

  • Copy VGPU objects along with the VM.

VM.import, VM.export:

  • Include VGPU and GPU_group objects in the VM export format.


  • Raise VM_HAS_PCI_ATTACHED if the VM has any plugged VGPU objects, as checkpointing for VMs with GPUs is currently not supported.

Pool Join and Eject

Pool join:

  1. For each PGPU:

    1. Copy it to the pool.
    2. Add it to a GPU_group of identical PGPUs, or a new one.
  2. Copy each VGPU to the pool together with the VM that owns it, and add it to the GPU group containing the same PGPU as before the join.

Step 1 is done automatically by the xapi startup code, and step 2 is handled by the VM export/import code. Hence, no work needed.

Pool eject:

  1. VGPU objects will be automatically GC'ed when the VMs are removed.
  2. Xapi's startup code recreates the PGPU and GPU_group objects.

Hence, no work needed.

Required Low-level Interface

Xapi needs a way to obtain a list of all PCI devices present on a host. For each device, xapi needs to know:

  • The PCI ID (BDF).
  • The type of device (NIC, GPU, ...) according to a well-defined and stable list of device types (as in /usr/share/hwdata/pci.ids).
  • The device and vendor ID+name (currently, for PIFs, xapi looks up the name in /usr/share/hwdata/pci.ids).
  • Which other devices/functions are required to be passed through to the same VM (co-located), e.g. other functions of a compound PCI device.

Command-Line Interface (xe)

  • xe pgpu-list
  • xe pgpu-param-list/get/set/add/remove/clear
  • xe gpu-group-list
  • xe gpu-group-param-list/get/set/add/remove/clear
  • xe vgpu-list
  • xe vgpu-create
  • xe vgpu-destroy
  • xe vgpu-param-list/get/set/add/remove/clear
  • xe host-param-get param-name=chipset-info param-key=iommu